
Set 2 Problem number 4


If velocity increases linearly from 8 meters per second to 15 meters per second in 8 seconds, what is the average velocity, and what is the distance moved in the 8 seconds?


Since the rate of velocity increase during the acceleration phase is constant, a graph of velocity vs. clock time will be linear.

Generalized Solution

We know that displacement `ds is equal to the product of average velocity vAve and time interval `dt.

Explanation in terms of Figure(s), Extension

The figure below is slightly more complicated than the previous figures.

For the moment ignore the figure with blue lines and look at the relationship between v0, vf and vAve.

Now look at the 'blue' relationship.

The figure therefore shows that to obtain `ds, we use vAve and `dt in the usual manner; but before we can do so we must obtain vAve from v0 and vf.


   v0_vf_vAve_dt_ds_unif_accel.gif (3092 bytes)
